Grey Banded Agate Tumble

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SKU: GBA-TUM ISBN: 32354157


“YOU’RE GROUNDED,” my parents would shout at me when I was younger after I had done something naughty. I used to hate it, I would sit in my room and think about what I had done or sit on my bed and do some deep breathing to calm myself down. Who would have thought 2 decades later, this is how I  spend my free time. Being grounded is like totally the new focussed. You bring yourself back down to what is important in the present, how is your body and mind feeling at this exact moment and what can you do to balance out those feelings. If you find grounding yourself difficult, might I  recommend Grey Banded Agate. The energy that this stone gives off is that of chilling the eff down, finding your centre and grounding yourself. Don’t wait to get into trouble to get grounded, GROUND YOURSELF!


Let’s talk rough and tumbled! These crystals come in all different shapes and sizes. When ordering from this section, ya don’t get to be as choosey. Don’t you worry your pretty little head though, we will pick out a perfect stone for you. Please also note these are natural crystals and stones from the earth, so they won’t always be perfect.

Grey Banded Agate Tumble
$5.00 AUD